GCWGA Announces Scholarship Winners for 2018
In 2006 the Greater Cincinnati Women’s Golf Association established a scholarship fund which grants a one-time scholarship each year to local female high school seniors to pursue higher education. The applicants must meet a range of qualifications and the recipients are selected on the basis of academic achievement, excellence of character, community service and involvement in the sport of golf. Since its inception 92 scholarships have been awarded totaling $120,500 to young women across the Greater Cincinnati- Northern Kentucky area. The Scholarship Foundation is funded through generous private donations from our members or through their scheduled Foundation Days at their respective clubs. Additional funding comes from the GCWGA and the SHE (Scholarship for Higher Education) tournament held each year in September.
The GCWGA Foundation Board is proud to announce and congratulate11 local high school graduates as the 2018 winners of a $1,500.00 scholarship: Sydney Bode, Lakota East; Leyton Brumfield, Ursuline; Lindsay Eichhold, Mother of Mercy; Brooke Grotjan, Ursuline; Katie Hallinan, Walnut Hills; Caroline Karbowski, Summit Country Day; Marie Richter, Seton; Elizabeth Roch, St. Henry District HS; Allison Schraer, Ursuline; Madison Smith, Randall K. Cooper; Alexandra Swayne, Kings.
GCWGA looks forward to continuing our quest to encourage young women to play the game of golf. After all, these young women are the future of women’s golf!